美 · 健 · 樂是由亞里安環球有限公司為大中華區消費者引入以澳洲產品為主而設的中文購物平台。我們為大中華區消費者推薦各種保健,護膚健康產品,包括針對敏感肌膚及濕疹(異位性皮膚炎)皮膚的護理產品。目前我們線上品牌包括了Emutracks的emu oil鴯鶓油系列 ; ENYA ; Nature’s GOLD 的Manuka麥蘆卡蜂蜜系列 ; Elave 的濕疹過敏系列等.
B2H — a online shop under Arion Worldwide Ltd which is a platform focusing on promote Australian products to the Greater China region. We introduce you a variety of health care, skin care and health products mainly produced in Australia, including care products for sensitive skin and eczema (atopic dermatitis) skin. Currently our online brands include Emutracks ; ENYA ; Nature’s GOLD ; Elave etc.